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07级计算机专业优秀毕业生张彩云就职于WPG INTERNATIONAL LTD.(新加坡)

2010年10月18日 11:12 zx 点击:[]


WPG System 总部位于新加坡,是台湾大联大控股旗下大联大 (南亚) 的子公司。WPG System针对横纵向市场,专注于新兴技术开发,并通过发展这些技术的增值解决方案,为大联大的客户和供应商贡献价值。

做为ObjectVideo在亚太区域的OEM开发商和技术合作伙伴,WPG System提供硬件参考设计和软件开发配套工具(SDKs),帮助原始设备制造商(OEMs)将智能视频分析技术嵌入到多种与视频相关联的设备中,例如:IP摄像机、编码器、DVRs, NVRs等。


WPG System, a subsidiary of Singapore-based WPG International (South Asia) and member of Taiwan’s WPG Holdings, is a technology development company specializing in identifying emerging technologies for vertical and horizontal markets, and developing those technologies into value-added solutions that contribute to the value proposition of WPG’s customers and vendors. 

       The OEM distribution and technology partner of ObjectVideo in the Asia Pacific region, WPG System provides hardware reference design and software development kits (SDKs) for original equipment manufacturer (OEMs) to embed intelligent video analytics into a wide variety of video-related devices such as IP cameras, encoders, DVRs, NVRs, etc. For more information, visit www.wpgsystem.com.

